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Summer School

Strachur Youth Drama

Summer Film School

Monday 18th – Friday 22nd July 2022


Details for Summer Film School.

This years Film School will take place at The Pavilion, Strachur Sports Field, Strachurmore, Strachur, Argyll.

Drop Off daily at 8.30am – Pick-up 5.30pm

I had an amazing week - we actually made a film, like proper made a film! The cameras and sound bit was my favourite although I liked acting on the beach too.  It was such fun I didn't want it to end! Cant wait for next year !!   

                                               Mirrin age 8

Summer School

We started Summer School 7 years ago, a week long fun-filled programme of film-making from a screen acting and film crew angle, and it has been an exciting addition to our year.  We would love to be able to extend to further weeks in holiday time and is something we are actively perusing at the moment.


Strating from the script conception and storyboarding, to choice of location and pre-production skills, we try to give the children who attend our Summer Film School, a taste of what it is like on a real film set and have produced some exceptional results.




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What we Do

The children joining us in Film Week are given many opportunities to try out each role involved in making a film from the crew point of view, some of these functions are:-


·         Location Management

          Production Runner

·         Production Design

·         Directing

·         Working with actors

·         Set etiquette

·         Cinematography

·         Lighting

·         Sound recording


They are also introduced to acting for screen and given many opportunities to learn the skills needed in front of the camera including:-


         Understand differences between stage           and screen acting methods

         Gain confidence in front of camera

         Preparing for a film shoot

         Hair & make-up

         Using costume & props to develop                   character

         Physicalisation of your character

         Working with directors

         Blocking & sight-lines


         Set etiquette (the hardest bit lol)







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On Location

Our Film School members, under guidance from our Creative Directors, collaborate in a unique creative format allowing each student to become a member of 'The Crew' or the 'Talent' for the day.  They develop skills in disciplines through practical experience. We passionately believe that the best way to learn is to get out there and DO it, and we have produced short films that have been part of Dunoons Film Festival programme. The overiding take away from the week is one of fun, friends and amazing memories, as well as a story told on film, something to be proud of.

Some of our past Film Locations have included:- Strachur Village Hall

Strachur Sports Pavilion and Sports Field

In and Around Strachur Village & Bay

Glenbranter Forest

Tighcladich Cottage, Village & Beach

Heron Park

St Catherine's Shoreline

Strachur Estate


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