Cost £2 per Child
each Class
£5 for Family of Three
Taster Sessions FREE!!
Youth Drama
Hope everyone has had a super Summer Break!
Excited to announce we are returning to drama sessions on Monday 28th August 2023.
All welcome
See our Classes page for times and age groups.
The first session is Free to all !!
Strachur & District
Youth and Drama

Who We Are

Sheena Dowse
Strachur & Dist. Youth Drama Club
Creative Director
It started for me when I was young, growing up in a household where doing a turn for friends and family, learning a song and dance routine, making up a skit and putting together a show became second nature to my brothers and I, and performing has continued to be in my life in one form or another since. When we moved to this fabulous area over 30 years ago, it was fairly easy to be drawn in and I became involved in all sorts of amazing productions including 'Stars in their Eyes' and 'Disco Lorry'. We have a wonderfully talented community, who through music and production skills have supported so many of the local mad-cap and fun events, and also some weighty shows like the Queens Commonwealth Baton event and the Lauder Memorial Celebrations. These people have gone on to support Youth Drama no-end and I have so much gratitude for them.
Supporting a daughter just as passionate about performing as I, proved the catalyst for starting SYD. There is no bigger thrill for me than seeing the children who attend SYD grow and develop their performing skills, self-esteem and confidence as they grow into amazing young people.
I have gained enormous experience over the last couple of decades, particularly working with children and I believe passionately in the Performing Arts as being an enabler for children's' development and mental well-being.
As we currently head out of Lock-down post Covid, I am convinced even more so of the enormous benefits to young people of being involved in SYD and we remain determined to be here for them and adapting to whatever is thrown at us.

Kirstie Dowse
Strachur & Dist. Youth Drama Club
Creative Director
Growing up in Strachur and attending the local Primary school, Drama was always the thing I loved best. School shows and yearly Burns competitions where the highlight of my school life and certainly where my love of performing came from.
I continued to love particularly acting into my teenage years but could not always find the provision of classes I was looking for, this is when my parents started to drive every Saturday to Glasgow , taking on a big commitment, so I could be a part of the Scottish Youth Theatre and Youth Works at the R.S.A.M.D, later to become The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. This really drove my passion and I went on to study Drama & Performance in Aberdeen.
Returning to help Mum with a community show, I saw how much the local children loved the whole experience of being on stage and the confidence it had given them. I also appreciated the difficulties that a lot of parents had in accessing classes and with this in mind, Mum and I started Strachur Youth Drama Club.
Ten years later and we have grown the club enormously. I have seen so many children who have been able to experience the thrill of the stage, and have the opportunity to be a part of the creative process and grow as young people in such positive ways.
SYD is one of my greatest achievements and I am exceptionally proud of the volunteers and every child who has been a part of the SYD journey.
I'm excited for the future.

Katie Wilson
Strachur & Dist. Youth Drama Club
Drama Youth Leader
I have lived in Strachur all my life and have deep roots in this place. I started helping out at SYD when my daughter started to attend at five years old. We where both a bit quiet in those days and it was really good for both of us. It gave us a fantastic hobby but it became more than that and it feels more like a family, a big drama family. I have learned a lot over the years, not just about drama and productions, but about children and how they develop. I thoroughly enjoy being a SYD volunteer and have built so much confidence and have so many opportunities that I can't imagine my life without it. I just love seeing the little ones grow in confidence, it's amazing.

Rachel Mcarthur
Strachur & Dist. Youth Drama Club
Drama Youth Leader
& Chairperson
I moved to Strachur in 2016 and live here with my husband and 4 children, (3 girls 11, 8 & 4 and a boy of 9). They all take great pride in being a part of SYD, even my youngest asks all the time why she doesn't have her own SYD Club Hoodie like her brother and sisters. I first began helping out at SYD as a chaperone for the children at the Peter Pan performance, and over time as my confidence grew have continued to help the children build their own confidence and learn new drama skills. I feel really passionate about helping children and believe that every child should have that opportunity if they would like it.
Alison Roy
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Committee Member
Carrie Munro
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Committee Member
Katie McNair
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Amanda Anderson
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Committee Member
Strachur & Dist. Youth & Drama Club
Committee Member